17 October 2010

Twelve hours a week

Since I didn't have to go to work couldn't go to work on Tuesday because of the teacher's strike and the transportation strike, I went in quickly on Friday to get my finalized work schedule. I was excited when on my first day, the director told me that the last assistant hadn't worked Fridays so I won't have to either. Nice! Plus, elementary schools don't have school on Wednesdays... so here's my lovely teaching schedule: 

8h30 - 10h00
10h00- 10h30: LA RÉCRÉATION
10h30 - 11h15 
11h15 - 13h30: LE DÉJEUNER
13h30 - 15h00
15h00 - 15h30: LA RÉCRÉATION
15h30 - 16h15 

9h15 - 10h00
10h00- 10h30: LA RÉCRÉATION
10h30 - 11h15 
11h15 - 13h30: LE DÉJEUNER
13h30 - 15h00

Days of the week in French: lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche

Pretty nice, huh? A day off in the middle of the week plus three day weekends every week? I might be able to get used to this. I'm really looking forward to working with these classes! The students are adorable and are so proud to say "hello, how are you" when they see me at recess or in the hallway. Each class I teach is 45 minutes long and I'm teaching three different grade levels. Classes aren't called by the same names as we call them in the states. So, instead of Kindergarten, first, second... here's how the schools are organized in France: 

Level: Description - age group
Ecole maternelle --- 
( Cycle 1 - Initial Learning Cycle ) [This school is right next door to our school.]
Tout petits - 2/3
PS: Petite section - 3/4 ans 
MS: Moyenne section - 4/5 ans
GS: Grande section - 5/6 ans
Ecole élémentaire --- 
( Cycle 2 - Basic Learning Cycle ) [Anne is the director of this half of the school]
CP: Cours préparatoire - 6/7 ans
CE1: Cours élémentaire 1ère année - 7/8 ans
( Cycle 3 - In-Depth Cycle ) - [Nicolas is the director of this half of the school]
CE2: Cours élémentaire 2ème année - 8/9 ans
CM1: Cours moyen, 1ère année - 9/10 ans
CM2 : Cours moyen, 2ème année - 10/11 ans

I'll be working with each CM1 and CM2 class twice per week and then have four CE1 courses once a week. Oh man, are these kids super cute! Can't wait to get started! Oh wait... I have nothing prepared! Luckily, I have a training on Monday and Tuesday afternoon - hopefully it'll be helpful! Then the week after is vacation! Guess where I'm going???

la récréation - recess
le déjeuner - lunch
lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche - days of the week, starting with Monday. 
ans - years 
1ère année - 1st year
2ème année - 2nd year


  1. I just wanted to let you know that, as a fellow conversation assistant but in Spain, I am following your blog! Love to see the differences between your job and mine.

  2. That's so great to hear! Where in Spain are you and how did you stumble upon my blog? I'd love to hear about your experiences! :D
